Steam is renowned for its regular sales. This time, for less than $2, you can play one of the most original games of recent years: Firewatch.

You can get Firewatch for just $1.99. That’s a great deal, as the title is 90% off. This is the first time Firewatch has reached this price, according to the SteamDB website.

Firewatch, a walking simulator gem

Firewatch plunges you into 1989, in the shoes of Henry, a man who has turned his back on a complicated life. To escape his past, he goes to work as a forest ranger in the remote state of Wyoming. His only contact with the outside world is his supervisor, a woman called Delilah who can be contacted at any time by radio. While he is leading a peaceful life, a strange event is about to turn everything upside down. Henry will have to leave his watchtower and start exploring a wild and unknown environment. You’ll be plunged into a game full of mystery, where your choices influence your relationship with Delilah, the only person who matters to your character.

It will take you around 4 hours to get to the end of the story. Despite its short length, the title has been warmly received by critics, thanks in particular to its rich narrative. The specialist press rated the title 81/100 on Metacritic, while gamers gave it a score of 7.2/10. The walking simulator even won Best Independent Game at the Golden Joystick Awards in 2016. It also won several awards at the BAFTA Game Awards 2016. For example, it won Best Narrative, Best Art Direction and Best Performance for actors Cissy Jones and Rich Sommers.